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Bonjour à tous,Je me permets d’ouvrir le study officiel de la VW Passat et Passat SW GTE 2015 afin de pouvoir bien informer tous ceux qui sont intéressés par cette VW Passat VIII( Berline et change) En model GTE( Hybride normal regular ayant une autonomie de 50 km en 100 % électrique).VW Passat GTELa nouvelle VW Passat est l’une des voitures les and furthermore innovantes de sa catégorie. Equipée environnant les systèmes environnant les conduite progressifs, D’assistance et d’info divertissement, Elle est High Tech encapsulé dans un design puissant avec des dimensions nettes. La huitième génération est en cours de lancement en european union, Mais déjà, Volkswagen est venu avec quelque decide de plus: Le constructeur automobile allemand montre la Passat GTE dans une première mondiale au Salon de Paris..

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air On Mississauga: The Memorial Cup hosts have improved their roster for a championship run since another time they played Brampton. They have brought in Russian import Maxim Kitsyn, who has put up three goals and five points on his first two games in the OHL. And also they added a pair of overagers with the London Knights in winger Chris DeSousa and defenceman Michael D’Orazio. DeSousa has 157 points in 229 career OHL games. D’Orazio has a work high six goals and 27 points already shock as to. Forward Justin Shugg leads the group with 48 points. Goalie J.P. Anderson has 20 wins and three shutouts in 27 appearances there is much surprise.

The Nuggets have now built a formidable team for the future with a combination of young talent and able veterans. The opportunity starting five of Nene, Faried, Chandler, Aaron Afflalo, and Lawson may not scare teams on paper, but will prove to be formidable offensively and defensively.

Millard Fuller founded Habitat for Humanity in 1976. From humble beginnings in Alabama, he rose to become a self made millionaire from advertising and marketing firm coming from the age of 29. as his business prospered, he suffered through poor health, integrity too failed wedding. He re-evaluated his life and reconciled with his wife. He became high level Christian. And it fell went sold all his possessions and gave the cash to the indegent. The Fullers along with Clarence air jordan retro started building homes for poor, to the no profit no interest basis. Employing it as a springboard, he created Habitat for Humanity in 1976. The Fullers devoted all of their life to developing the organization world huge. Fuller wrote nine books about his life, with Habitat for Humanity. He died in ’09.

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When Bella returns to Arizona, the aerial shots inside movie are of Phoenix, Arizona. The shot of Bella’s mom’s house was taken in Valencia, Lots of states. Movie producers painted the house, added palm tress and cacti come up with it are like Arizona.

After water ceases to circulate out of the hose, normal water heater is drained, really sediment should be gone. Now, close the drain ball valve, and open the property water supply valve to fill the tank. Neglect that once the tank is full, air in the tank and water lines is replaced by water which will come out on the sinks warm water faucets, so shut them off. Finally, turn during the electrical power or gas supply towards water air conditioner. On most gas water heaters, the pilot light will have to have to be relit. Hot water recovery time will talk about an 60 minute.

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John Grant, Jr. led the Mammoth (2-2) attack, racking up an impressive 11 points, getting five goals and six enables. Jamie Lincoln also scored a hat trick for Colorado.

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Goodrow was shaken up in a fight with Kitchener’s Ben Thomson on Weekend. You do not want to reduce your attention to the avenue. If you see another ball mark, repair it even are going to wasn’t your own or a.
These days all the media talk about a recession in us states which consequently affects the other percentage of the marketplace. I’m no economist, but I’ve read typical mistakes definitions of this recession the actual planet newspapers as ‘decline each morning Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for some consecutive quarters’. However, a great ‘Average Joe’ my definition is a great number simpler: I could have less money to spend; hence I have to be more prudent with my acquisitions.

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Most people think that orchids are normally outdoor plants since might known in order to epiphytes or air plants but actually most gardening aficionados prefer growing orchids indoors. But there’s more just beautify the in your house collectively creates a loosening ambiance that soothes an individual’s stress away. Since orchids differ in the preference of humidity in their surrounding, good types of orchids that grow indoors are the intermediate- growing variety. Easy types to begin with are Lady Slipper orchids, Colmanara Wildcat and Moth orchids. Catleya and Dendrobium varieties likewise good straightforward to grow indoors.

The Blue Heron Paper Company may be the site used when the nomad vampires attack and kill a security alarm guard for a factory. The factory is available at 419 Main Street, in Oregon City, Or.

The Nuggets now run two deep strongly each and every position in addition to their depth could carry them on another deep playoff run in the upcoming period of time. Denver fans get excited. The Nuggets won draft night that can start winning once the summer season begins, due to great moves they formulated.
Season 11 of best selling CBS series “Big Brother” began on July 1, 2009. The twelve houseguests were put into four cliques: the Popular Clique (Braden, Jordan, and Laura), the Off-Beat Clique (Casey, Kevin, and Lydia), the Brains Clique (Chima, Michele, and Ronnie), and the Athlete Clique (Jeff, Natalie, and Russell). If someone from your clique won HOH, you had been safe from elimination for your week. However, there the twist – Jessie Godderz from season 10 was brought when the Athletes won reduce costs Head of Household (HOH) and he joined their team.

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The running game is often rather important in football. Examine all the teams possess enjoyed amazing success. They always check an able running possibility. USC is clearly one of those teams.

Dominic comes up to talk to Jeff and jordan in Big Brother 13 HoH room, and the tells them he wants to work these people. He promises them 100% loyalty and he admits that he does not have any problem location the block if they protect the man. They are leery of his promises, however. Later Cassi gets into to session with them, and he or she says she’d much rather stick with Jeff and Jordan than Brendon and Rachel. She also says she’s not opposed to putting other newbies up if she’s HoH. Daniele, Jeff and jordan regarding the nominations, and Dani pushes for Cassi to be put up over Dominic. They seem torn to discover pros and cons per direction.

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Women love a confident man, a guy who can approach like an and is actually tight along with his game, as soon as he becomes overly aggressive things can go to the left, at once. When he begins to oversell himself and repeatedly tells every person of things he can accomplish to as well as how he’ll do it and how you’re not going to obtain enough of him. Undoubtedly? This is when he gets devote the thirsty category.

The NBA finals to my advice are in front of them with entire world Cup and Stanley Cup finals. Move the message when it’s over. I’ve got a White Sox game to watch tonight actually nowhere near baseball’s 2009-2010 season.
Most other mammals have hooves and pads to protect them from rocky terrain, but all people have soft ft .. Apply butter cream frosting to the complete cake. The players would be out of sophistication too very.
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Jeff leaves the HOH room and goes to discover a jordan. As he comes in the red bedroom, Natalie tells him that Kevin wants him as a boyfriend. Kevin and Natalie start questioning Jeff exactly what he likes in a woman. Natalie examines her boyfriend, then jordan tells huge ability her stories, this the about how she peed in her bedroom when she was drunk. Jeff tells everyone he is tired and gets down to leave area at 1:40 a.m. He asks Jordan if she is going to sleep downstairs tonight. air jordan france ends up following Jeff upstairs.

Having a product. Having a brand is stronger. Each of us truly brand in our own smart. We are unique while having something to supply. What we do and how you behave represents our brand name and is how people see and perceive us – an expression of your. Invest in your brand. How do brands like Cola and nike etc communicate?

The dress store where Bella, Jessica and Angela are fitting prom dresses is actually a hair salon called Angel Hair Shop. It is located at 251 S 1st St, in Street. Helens, Oregon. If you walk using the salon air you will discover Catherine Hardwicke’s director chair in the window. The owner, Brittney Bradford, was an extra and are visible in two scenes in the film.

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I really didn’t get back into the game till the 5th grade, during gym class. The game’s in the old days 3-on-3 and first to 32 points. I would usually be one among the last consumers to get picked and my job was simply to rebound, get garbage baskets and pass when the additional players needed to pick up their dribble.

Saturday: Highs will enter the middle to upper eighties. And also very windy this couple of days. These winds will stop us out for this nineties and now we welcome him or her. The winds will be sea breezes almost exclusively with gusts up to twenty to twenty-five mph. You can expect average wind to be around fifteen miles hourly. Still, Saturday are very thoroughly clean.

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The NBA finals to my opinion are immediately with the earth Cup and Stanley Cup finals. Let me know when it’s over. I have a White Sox game to look out tonight as well as it nowhere near baseball’s playoffs.
In Sunday night’s episode of Your government 2011, the newbies are trying to find out how the votes were cast as Jordan celebrates winning HoH. The newbies know that two people on their own side did not vote the way they had stated. Everyone is trying to work out what happened, and Kalia and Shelly are working hard to keep it hidden that they voted Keith out of the home.

Some in the events as Salt Lake City area include, a monthly movie at jordan Commons. Negative effects time Hope Kids reserves an entire movie theater for precisely the Hope Kids group. Each child that goes gets to be a free popcorn and small drink, and of course the film is zero cost. This months movie is G-Force, whilst in September the movie is Cloudy with chance of Meatballs.

One sizeable number of great reasons for having wish organizations is the anticipation and the waiting for your wish. With Hope Kids, their goal is guide keep that anticipation going. It is not just can mark an event, or multiple events at their calender every few months and it enables these types of have something to expect in between your constant treatments and doctors visits.

IPods basically so lightweight and portable that effectively easy include things like during a walk or a jog. An ipod can be wrapped within the arm (provided you have obtained the right accessory kit), placed your shoe (nike makes an iPod+nike shoe kit), or around your neck on a string. iPods help you progress to the tunes and concentrate on the music. Nevertheless a great accessory tool that many use to have them motivated during a long workout lesson.

2) As necessary as air entering your engine is, this is also true for exhaust gases leaving your engine. A less restrictive muffler and tuned exhaust headers will reduce back pressure and increase engine efficiency, power and twisting.

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Logo design is as opposed to a cup of tea for normal people; it is the work of professional designers, because they understand it better! Techniques not hesitate to consult designers while planning producing a logo, because this is exactly what will be last forever and will represent your brand benefit. So be careful while panning it otherwise the impact will be all one.

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Gilbert Arenas will not return to your team until mid-January. Someone is impatient and drives his ball out previously your masses. The red-headed stepchild of the epic coloration that is undoubtedly Calme Gray.
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What may be the piece of writing?
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The composition with the article

1. Title
Phrase that refers to the situation that gives to carry out the writer. The review title will be concise and very clear to entice recognition, arouse curiosity. Give good results perfectly the headers that incorporate the query.

An case in point of the fine title

“Should I pay for shares in Russian organizations? “

An illustration of the awful header

“Shares of Russian suppliers increase. “

This header won’t show an issue and it can be not distinct what is going to be devoted to artwork.

2. Membership
As a rule, just one paragraph of textual content that elaborates within the complication posed through the writer and suggests its significance towards the reader. In the event the title appeals to the reader’s awareness, the introduction would be wise to stimulate you to definitely browse the piece with the close.

For case in point, You publish an review with reference to washing the vehicle together with the caption “Should I clean the vehicle inside the winter season? “

Introduction towards brief article would appear like this: “Many motorists you should not know even if to scrub or not the vehicle from the wintertime. In the a single hand is to always clean absent physique filth with chemical substances that happen to be detrimental towards the human body. apa in text citation dictionary
Nevertheless, washing the vehicle in wintertime can harm as a result of the temperature distinction between entire body and h2o (thermal shock). Let us see, which hurts the vehicle a little more. “

3. The content material within the information
Consists from the examination on the downside with the issue of see within the creator. You could have to provide a unique standpoint over the trouble and prefer quite possibly the most best suited into your thoughts and opinions final decision. The written content from the piece is enlivened with illustrations from particular know-how, opinions, quotations.

If the textual content with the posting seems terrific, is to always crack the written content into independent pieces for every to help make a subtitle, as on this page in the subject matter of how you can publish a decent report.

4. Summary
One paragraph with all your conclusions. As an illustration, inside post with regards to the automotive clean you will finish the blog post while using summary – it doesn’t matter if or not to clean the vehicle in winter season.

Writing a story step by step

You have chosen the subject for the brief article (concern). What to accomplish next?

1. Plan out the posting.

You can short (as done while in the illustration below), it can be possible – briefly. The plan reflected what we need to and ideas on how to argue their position. At the stage of plan you can easily come up aided by the title – although some authors prefer to think from the title at the top.

Relevant topics for articles or blog posts or blog site posts – On what topics to put in writing down posts?

On what topics to put in writing down page articles and other content? Pertinent issue sections for articles

Relevant subject matter zones for content articles or website posts previous to bloggers and world-wide-web writers who compose within the costless marketplaces, a lot quicker or later on the predicament takes place — on what issues to jot down content articles and other content? Because you need to give useful and interesting information that is in demand and will bring people in the search. There are several sources where you can gather ideas for material. And I will publish pertinent topics for piece of content information all year round.

On what issue locations to place in creating articles

Advisable to choose several themes, which you will develop. It is much easier to come up with a theme and give you the option to jot down an document over the dilemma in which you understand. Lebron James Essay
No need to cling to any issues, just because of their demand and high prices. For example, I never work aided by the construction or legal issues. I’m not interested and I don’t understand the technical terminology – composing an brief article will take too much time. Women usually choose the standard themes: children, beauty, cooking, fashion, etc. Men prefer automotive, construction, computer connected. There are many common themes that you can compose everything: gardening, sports, and social issues. How to come up with a theme for brief article sites and blogs. Walk the sites with similar themes and see what topic locations they make.

Try to find non-standard and hackneyed themes

Try to find non-standard and hackneyed themes, but something interesting and original that will interest your readers or customers. Scan social media, they often can find interesting ideas. Subscribe to a few themed pages, or add them to bookmarks. From time to time, see what posts they post and get some ideas. Forums, mail answers and other similar sites where people ask questions. Read what people are interested and give the right answers. Of course, necessary to assess the relevance within the trouble and its popularity through the keywords online.

Use other formats of studies: interviews, news and reviews

Use other formats of subject material items: interviews, news and reviews. To make a little diversity in your style of guide information will be helpful – you will get a new experience, and readers/customers will see you in a new light. Led Zeppelin Essay
Take ideas from magazines. They always try to come up with something original and interesting, so that you can find a lot of new ideas. It’s not necessary to buy them, just craft the title on the content subject material about the cover – they are usually the most catchy. Find out what interests your readers. Read comments and questions on your websites or someone else’s with similar themes. What people ask? What points they are interested in?

Can ask directly within the web log: what would you like to read?

So you’ll get ideas for several new written content content pieces immediately. See search tips. When you search for something in search, the bottom within the page show the “similar queries”.

Type in a keyword and view options can be something you will like. And don’t forget to always carry a notebook and pencil to jot down ideas. They can visit you anywhere. I have the most “productive” moments – when I go somewhere, sit in a queue or doing the dishes.

Relevant issues for articles

There are certain topics that will always be in demand:

  • construction
  • female (children, diet, beauty, pregnancy, home was, etc. )
  • health and traditional medicine
  • tourism and travel earnings (casino, Forex, investments, etc. )
  • real estate
  • cars
  • reviews (movies, TV series, technology, computer games, books, etc).

On the web site you can see the top issues. See the change within the demand. For example, if the new – topic only entered the top.

January – particularly linked posts or webpage posts about diet, you can set interesting posts about Valentine’s day and February 23.

February – experiences about Valentine’s day, February 23 and March 8.

March – 8 March still important in the first few days. You can start composing review content material around the spring theme — spring avitaminosis, how not to get sick in early spring how to care for your hair/skin/face inside of spring.

April – continuing the theme of spring posts. You can begin to put in writing down on a country-garden theme. If there are posts or blog site posts about may holidays – the time to spread. Review about training to fly: choosing a swimsuit, Solarium, how not to get burned.

May – Content articles about garden and orchard are very popular, as well as a variety of summer themes relating to the topic of how to look good inside of summer.

June-July – summer articles and other content and “selling”: how to spend a vacation, where to go about the sea, like to meet and what to take with children. Leda Essay
How to prepare children for kindergarten/school.

August is Report about autumn depression, melancholy, beriberi how to get from home to work. Subject matter about school fees, tuition, everything. September – health Problems and nutrition around the fall. How to choose fall stuff, winter stuff. Autumn care of health and appearance.

October – Halloween is approaching, you can create a few issues about this holiday. Again, the theme of your cold, insulation. You can begin to place in crafting a Christmas theme.

November – Christmas theme is in full swing: how to celebrate, recipes, gifts, Christmas trees, hanging out, contests, etc. You Can compose winter theme on how to care for winter skin and hair.

December – Christmas theme is still hot. Themes gifts as economical to make a gift, to prepare for the holiday. Will horoscopes for the new year, recipes for new year’s eve and what make up/clothes to choose for a holiday.

Now you know when, on what topics to jot down articles and other content reports and how correct topics for subject matter posts in different time of year. This will help you to overcome writer’s block and continue composing. And where do you get ideas for posts?

Quite help and hints: The best possible process to compose a wonderful temporary report, magnificent viewers.

Quite support and factors: A method to craft an awesome website page, remarkable site visitors.

To get started with — drop statistics. Sent ten of the articles we choose to publish an average of two, sometimes subject to revision. To clarify: on many industry sites you might publish any text. But we prefer not to waste time (and our prospects) to *any* doc.

We are often asked straight forward instructions to create an editorial to be published. Someone wants to become more known in the industry, someone to share interesting experiences and thoughts with colleagues, many want both. All of these goals are worthy, the submitting was perfect.

Today we’ll show you the way you can publish an effective text for industry publications, what to do and why (what to do — will tell you too). But at the same time explain what doc consider really good, and even look to us on the editorial kitchen.

Good articles – no problem. What to do

  1. Start with reflection. new topic luckiest day of my life Essay
    Think of any industry articles you like to read — and read to the end (why? ) and some can not stand and throw (by just how, why? ). Take the time to formulate and compose down your answers. This list is your reference point, looking into it when crafting your text.
  2. The proposed theme. Immediately think: who wants to read that? Why they would want to do that? Seriously, who cares except you? (The answer need to be honest — in fact, now you are wasting your time, and save it. ) You clarify these issues — and it will become easier: imagine these people when you produce text. You’ll even contact them directly in the article.
  3. Think over the structure. The beauty of your text — in its structure and reasonableness. The ability to construct a coherent structure is not concerned with whether you are a skilled writer, but describes you as a professional. Line up your text as logical and consistent, how do you organize your work. Sketch a plan or layout of the material, consider a sequence of blocks, understand for yourself how the individual parts of the doc are related to each other: are there any contradictions, logical hopping capability, unclear transitions.

Sometimes the structure itself dictates the theme and then it’s convenient. Sometimes you have to think about it. But the problem is in any case can be solved, and most authors it is.

At this stage, usually by itself *accumulates* the subject matter: the tips, arguments and theses. new topic marketing myopia examples in indian market Essay
Record them directly into the desired blocks of the structure. Then, when you set up text, will be just to develop the idea and to clarify wording.

  1. We select the examples. It’s the facts, case studies, stories from experience (or your colleagues) — all the things that will help you convey your thoughts to the reader, making the text user friendly. Practical piece without examples is like a children’s book without pictures. If examples are many — choose the most vivid and visual.
  2. Writing the text. *I don’t know straightforward approaches to compose beautifully*, so tells us every third. Don’t need to. We are not art almanac. What’s the beauty of your text, we have found in the third paragraph. And here — just three rather simple rules.

First, don’t be afraid to put in creating simply and clearly. In fact, as time is the most valuable.

A marvelous example from recent news: trouble-free practices to explain the essence of the scandal with Panamanian archive so, to understand even a child of five:

*Children have piggy banks that they hold in the house of his friend. The mother of this friend no matter how they got the money. Some store piggy in someone else’s house, for understandable and even noble reasons: just one saves my mom a gift and didn’t want to spoil the surprise, the other protects their savings from the encroachment of big brother. But the other children are hiding their piggy banks to hide their bad behavior — someone stole the pocket money their friends, and someone stole from mom’s purse. And now mother of all these children learned that their piggy banks stored outside the home, and get started to understand who behaved well and who is not*.

— an example taken from *jellyfish*

If you possibly can clearly explain to kindergartners the essence of the Panamanian leaks, it is clear to apply the theme industry colleagues — task and do simple

Second, use words accurately. If you are unsure of the meaning of the word — be it a term or something common, look to online dictionaries and reference books, they are simple and easy to Google.

Thirdly, be temporary, it’s important. If instead of three words, just just one need to take a person. Don’t give weight and make the text bigger and deeper. They spoil the impression about the author. And at the same time complicate our work: cleaned bit of content material from verbal weeds will still have to publish unedited text — understand best ways to invite guests in the untidy apartment. Read more about aidarska problems with language.

A little about the main thing

If you intend to put in producing articles often, brainstorm a couple of books about the language. new topic marshall plan definition cold war Essay
They are simple and easy to read, useful to include a language and universal thinking: a useful, no matter what you going to put in creating.

  • Nora Gal. The word of the living and the dead. An exceptional book, written long ago, but it sets the very best path now.
  • Irina Lewontin. Russian with a dictionary. Reflections on how and why language changes. The author makes it thoughtfully, tastefully, and without the slightest sign covers grammar-Nazism.
  1. Give the written text to lie down. About this chip I know the translators, bloggers and journalists (but not reporters were lucky, their texts to lie down once). Slowly re-read the text in a day or two: during this time you will have time to detach from it and see it differently than before. A critical look at what happened. Maybe you want to change the wording, something to cut or to add. It happens so: only now you noticed the logical inconsistencies, and realized that the structure wasn’t best suited, but you have already got a new a person.

*Up and down* — killer words positive text, the temptation of the writer. If you understand a means to improve the text — do it. Editor the more will see his shortcomings. Most likely the remake will give you the chance quickly: after all, you are already deeply immersed in the topic and thought of everything. The result will be better — and your reputation as an expert will benefit.

…And what to do

We have seen systems to do it ideal. Now go through the typical mistakes they admit many. Therefore, this section is no less important than the previous a particular.

  1. No complexes! To put in composing a solid industry web log publish, you do not need to be a journalist, a writer or copywriter. If you are a professional and you really have something to share, you’re able to do it. The previous section will help you.
  2. It is not necessary to jot down the article, if you have nothing to say. Abstract lyrics, a-La fragments from a textbook — no, it is not roll. Our people (your colleagues) that I can’t stand, and with them we are.

Uncover the highly thought

That the author have nothing to share, often says the name is too generic, is suitable except that for voluminous books. *Motivation* of *Adaptation*, *Grades* are *the Art of management staff* — all titles of real texts that we sent. The authors believed that uncover these themes they were ready to 2-4 pages.

The practitioner usually sees an exceptionally specific problem and writes without abstractions, based on experience.

  1. No need to invent examples and achievements, which were not — you or the company. We understand that sometimes you want. But still not necessary
  2. It is not necessary to rariteti other people’s articles. Do copywriters and this is a bad example. Usually they know little about management, and they have no industry experience, which would be worth to tell. Therefore, we have to get on this slippery slope is to reproduce the words of others and even old-fashioned thoughts.

Any HR consultant and a Manager is in a better position than copywriters or PR people: he has got the experience practice. He knows how things really are.

Written off (rewritten) text is always visible. No magic — just the routine editorial work and experience. So the best recruiter understands immediately when the candidate *FIB* myself a few extra achievements or retroactively *increased* wages.

  1. Recently, a friend of the student told a joke:

— And imagine that the Earth is someone’s project.

— That explains why the planet has so much water…

Do you like it if you were in the reader’s place?

So. Pouring water is not necessary. Work Aquarians are equipped to do everything, so *competence* this is not interesting to anyone. No *as everyone knows*, *numerous studies show* and other things in the same spirit. Each argument must be justified (otherwise it is not an argument at all): provide links to case studies, to mention the names of those who know something and so on. Yourself can only leave passwords and turnout.

  1. Do not listen to Captain Obvious. Do not craft the report well known. That makes it a priceless — in the literal sense of the word, and absolutely annoying colleagues and editors.
  2. Don’t turn yourself into a PR, not try to do for the company promo. Your write-up is not love for it But seriously, smart and practical expert editorial is the top promo for the expert and for his company. No *text* with strained-rough PR does not receive such a response as an outstanding and honest expert text. Expertise can be an astounding PR, but the report is infused with the corporate promo (or Intrusive personal promo specialist), will not do: it gives the reader the rejection and mistrust. Besides, she’s too deliberate to really deal with PR tasks.

Taking care of company promotion, you belittle yourself as an expert. By just how, texts written by experts and spin-doctors, not that rather simple to distinguish — they simply cannot be confused!

  1. Do not try to please. Don’t be afraid to disable conformism. It happens that the articles are written with a female fitting at the praise, a lot of likes and universal approval. And upset, if not. And it’s a dead end. If your inner conviction is not consistent with what you wrote — it is always visible: the editor sees it, feels it reader. Most noticeable if you read several articles one particular author: pop up apparent inconsistencies, maturity and reflection here are bordering on naivety, the image of the expert, his views do not add up the website visitors a complete picture, he contradicts himself.
  2. Do not ask us to choose for you. No one particular better than the author himself does not know what he is close, he knows better than others what his experience is particularly valuable. If you do not know you, we don’t know even more. We prefer to work with experts who themselves have realized what they stand.
  3. Be not ashamed of mistakes (spelling, punctuation, style, etc. ). You’re not in school, and we are not teachers or grammar Nazis. We will toss your short post just because it has a lot of grammatical errors, we will not laugh and will not think any the worse of you.

Choosing between a meaningless text that is written smoothly and correctly, and the text is useful, but with errors, we will definitely get to publish the second. Literacy is the best thing. But it is primarily the content material, and everything else we will help to put in order. Proofreading and editing is part of our work (this, incidentally, sets us apart from most industry online publications).


Good articles, its…

  • tells his colleagues that they were curious to know
  • raises sensitive issues, which many do not dare to say out loud,
  • sometimes sistematizirovat what many already know — but thanks to text colleagues will find a way to act consciously,
  • well-structured: every reader is clear that in the mind of the author of the full order and everything on the shelves,
  • responsible for every fact and argument that tells site visitors the truth and only the truth
  • it is written simply and clearly, not forcing colleagues to Wade through the verbal garbage.